Saturday, 29 November 2008

So Many Stardoll Changes!

1. The layout of the ''Go To...'' bar.

More buttons.
Smaller Broadcast place.


2. New picture on the ''About Me And Starpoints'' bar.

Not that good.
Isn't that clear.


3. New Free Dogs

In The Minishop

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

New Theme (?!)

I'm afraid our London Punk is leaving us for... an Indian (?!) theme.
What do you think about it?
(Sorry about my un-proportioned hearts but I'm a paint disaster! :P)

Monday, 10 November 2008

How long to wait....

I was looking at the October hotbuys to see the release date of the cute multi-colour shoes when I spotted the interesting looking coat on the top corner. Taking a look, I found it was due to hit the shops on, wait for it....

AUGUST 20th!!!!!!!

How long to wait for a nice jacket....!

Dictionary! :P

And now, Emine brings you the guide to IM talk. Be excited...

lol: Laugh Out Loud
lmao: Laugh my _ss off
lmfao : Laugh my f_______  _ss off
wbu: What about you?
ily: i love you
nm: Nothing much
ilysm: i love you so  much
rofl: rolling on the floor laughing 
bff: best friend forever
bf: boyfriend
omg: oh my god!
omfg: oh my f_____ god!
soz: sorry

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Stardoll's Really Messed Up!

First a new plaza shop (still empty) and now this?!
Poor SD!
*Found in the Minishop Section*