Sunday 14 December 2008

I Guess This Is Goodbye...

I'm sorry but I'm leaving this blog.
It's not that I got fired, or I hate somebody, but I just never update.
Sorry guys!

Friday 12 December 2008

So sorry

Im really sorry i've been MIA, but i've been super busy with school and everything. Just checking in to say hi!

Saturday 6 December 2008

Holiday Calendar= Delish.

The items in this years holiday calendar are way cooler than they were last year.
My favorite thing so far is the gorgeous  black dress. It's funkayyyy.. :)

What do you think they'll be giving away the 24th?
 I really hope it's not 10 stardollars. 
It would be awesome if they gave you an option. Say, they have 8 dresses. You can pick one of them or Stardollars.
That would be the bomb-a-rama.